UT HERD (Previously EHS Assistant)

UT HERD (Hazard Evaluation and Risk Database) is a new electronic information management database used to streamline the laboratory safety process and provide better service to researchers and laboratory personnel. Current features include lab and worker registration, training, lab inspections, and RAM and chemical inventory management. With UT HERD, Principal Investigators (PIs) can enter and track important safety information for their laboratory.

  • Lab Registration - for requesting the addition and removal of lab spaces
  • Worker Registration - for requesting the addition or removal of lab personnel
  • Training Records - for reviewing safety training records for lab personnel
  • Safety Inspections - for reviewing inspection information and responding to lab deficiencies
  • Inventory - for entering, reviewing, and updating RAM and chemical inventories
  • Placards - for reviewing and requesting changes to emergency contacts for lab signs

Login to UT HERD

Laptop/Offsite Login Instructions

Note: EHS must authorize PIs and their delegates before they can use the database. If you have not been authorized, email us. Please provide a valid UT EID, the PI you need access to, and the type of access needed when submitting your request (all PIs receive full access). PIs can request access for their delegates as well.

 Types of Access:

  1. Full access (generally reserved for PIs and Lab Safety Contacts) – respond to evaluation items, enter/edit chemical inventory, review training for lab personnel, etc.
  2. Edit access to the chemical inventory ONLY – add, remove, or change items in chemical inventory
  3. View only access to the chemical inventory ONLY – view items in chemical inventory


Refer to the Help feature in the upper right-hand corner while in UT HERD.

Learn How to Use UT HERD

Coming Soon:

  • a written UT HERD User Guide


Questions about UT HERD? Please email us or call EHS at (512) 471-3511.